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Helen BetGivargis L.Ac., M.S.

Helen BetGivargis is a licensed acupuncturist with a Master’s Degree in Acupuncture from Tri-State College of Acupuncture in New York, and received her B.A in Biology minoring in Chemistry from CCSU.


Helen has over 20-years of research experience in Western Medicine. She started her journey in the endocrine infertility Lab at UCONN and later worked as an IVF Embryologist in their IVF program for over 15 years. These experiences ultimately laid the groundwork for integrating Eastern and Western Medicine particularly in the field of treating Fertility patients. She also studied with Randine Lewis the author of "The Fertility Cure" and a leading expert in Chinese Medicine and Fertility for over 6 years, and continues her training and specialty in Fertility by attending the yearly Integrative Fertility Symposium in Vancouver.


Since 2007 Helen has been participating in 5-spirit Alchemical Acupuncture mentorship with Lori Dechar and Benjamin Fox, an integration of classical Five Element Chinese medicine and Western Depth Psychology and Astrology. This training is rooted in Taoist principles and Psycho-Spiritual alchemy. In this style all of our disharmonies are looked as an opportunity to grow consciously on a deeper level into our wholeness and stop sleep walking without a purpose in life


In addition to integrating acupuncture and science, Helen draws upon her experience in the past 20 years with Chi-gong, Tai Chi and various styles of meditation, breathwork, and other modalities of healing to upgrade your treatment.

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Why work with me?

One of my gifts is my ability to look at the whole picture from both perspectives of Eastern medicine wisdom and training as I parallel it with my Western medicine training and experience. I am an eclectic practitioner, a seeker of knowledge with a passion for learning cutting-edge science, and weaving it into the wisdom of indigenous medicines.


I am indigenous Assyrian and grew up in the northwest corner of Iran. My maternal Grandmother Deena was a skilled Medicine woman in her village where she treated anything from infections to infertility. 

Growing up and later on, as a scientist I was skeptical of such practices of indigenous medicine. It was because of my own experience of healing with Acupuncture and holistic medicine that brought me into the realm of Eastern medicine.


For the last 25 yrs I have had the privilege to study with extraordinary, and phenomenal mentors and teachers in the field of holistic healing and wellness. Alchemical Acupuncture mentorships as well as The Fertile Soul trainings were my pillars and among my deepest work, that not only were transformative in a personal and trans-personal way for me, but for my clients in particular. However all the other systems of healing below are woven into my work as an acupuncturist and healer.


No matter why you come to see me, my hope is that you leave with more awareness and understanding of your body-mind-spirit as a whole interconnected web and an ability to tune into to the innate healing mechanism that has always existed within your body.


What to Expect

I believe that every person that trusts me with their wellbeing deserves personalized attention.

Here's how you'll be received...
  • Deep work- I create a safe environment for you so we can go deep into the root cause of your disharmonies and make space for your transformative healing.

  • A deep attentiveness- I bring a heart centered presence to you, so I intentionally see limited clients. 

  • 40 years of experience in healing - I blend my Western Medicine training and experience with Eastern Medicine wisdom and training.

  • Individualized - treatments are tailored to your uniqueness. Each of our bodies are like an exquisite laboratory and have to be treated so.

  • I integrate various tools of healing such as Breathwork, Heart Centered Meditation, MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction), Guided Imagery, affirmations, meridian tapping/EFT, Reiki and Therapeutic Touch (TT), coupled with the use of essential oils, FET, and sound vibration as healing on acupuncture points to enhance your treatment. 

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What Can Acupuncture Treat and Support?


Fertility, Pregnancy, and Postpartum 

infertility, menopause, PMS, PCOS,Urogenital,  UTI, vulvodynia and prostetitis

Breathing Exercise

Digestive Conditions

Support with issues such as IBS, GERD, Colitis

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Chronic Pain and Musculoskeletal Issues

back, neck, knees, migraines, fibromyalgia, CF

Image by Andreas Talseth

Health Maintenance

Longevity, immune system support, and weight loss

Energy Healing

Emotional Support

anxiety, depression, PTSD, Stress management, addictions, TMJ, Bell’s Palsy, trigeminal neuralgia

Girl Relaxing

Respiratory Problems

Sinusitis, allergies, asthma, bronchitis

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